الاجازة هي التخلص من المهام لفترة من الوقت، عادة ما يتم تخصيص هذه المدة للراحة أو السفر أو المشاركة في الأنشطة الترفيهية، وفيما يلي حوار بين شخصين عن الاجازة يمكن استخدامه كـ مواضيع برزنتيشن في المدرسة، ويمكن لأصحاب العمل والمعاهد التعليمية تحديد “العطلات” بأنفسهم والتي قد تتداخل أو لا تتداخل مع التواريخ ذات الصلة على المستوى الوطني أو الثقافي .

أهمية الاجازة

سوف يتعلم الأطفال الصغار والكبار أشياء جديدة في عطلة عائلية، من التنقل في طريقهم إلى مكان جديد إلى طرح أسئلة حول النباتات والحيوانات في المكان الذي يتواجدون فيه، وسيتعلمون أن العالم أكبر بكثير من مسقط رأسهم ومليء بالاختيار والتنوع، وغالبا ما تكون عائلتك هم الأشخاص الذين تريد أن تكون معهم في الاجازة، والأشخاص الذين تقضي وقتا قصيرا معهم في الأيام العادية، لذا عندما تقضي على الجداول المزدحمة يمكنك قضاء وقت ممتع مع بعضكما في بيئة مريحة .

وعندما تكون مع عائلتك ليست هناك حاجة لكي تكون في أفضل صورة، إنه الوقت المثالي لإطلاق شعرك أو نمو لحيتك أو القيام بشيء سخيف، عائلتك تعرف أنك أفضل ولا تحتاج إلى إقناع أي منهم بذلك، لذا يمكنك نسيان العمل ويمكن لأطفالك ترك ضغوط الحياة المدرسية .

محادثة انجليزية عن الاجازة

?Suresh: Hi Rahul. How are you
?Rahul: Hello Rahul. Fine thanks! How do you do
?Suresh: Very well thank you. How did you spend your summer vacations
Rahul: I had spent them wisely. I took yoga classes and learned how to lead a healthy life. I enjoyed spending time with my relatives. We together went to a long drive across our city.
Suresh: That’s sounds good.
?Rahul: Now tell me how did you spend your time on vacations
Suresh: Upon my request my father had bought some books. I had completed reading only one book among them.
?Rahul: That’s so boring. Which book did you read
Suresh: I had read the book ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’ by Norman Vincent Peale. It is not boring at all.
?Rahul: I thought that you would have read a general knowledge book. What had you learned by reading the book
Suresh: In short I learned to think positive which changes our lives into the better way.
?Rahul: Had you did anything other than reading books
Suresh: I went to my village and spent a day complete with farmers. They work very hard.
Rahul: You’re right. In my opinion farmers and soldiers are the two eyes of our country. You had utilized your summer vacations completely.
Suresh: Let us spend our next summer vacations together.
Rahul: That would be great. It’s time for me to go. Bye.
Suresh: Bye. See you soon

حوار عن العطلة بين صديقين

Friend A: I am so excited and happy. My summer vacation
started today. I am looking forward to many interesting and thrilling events. What
?about you

Friend B : I am in a similar state of mind. Mine are starting
from tomorrow onward. I also have many great plans. By the way are you visiting
?any place in the holidays

Friend A : Of course! Rather I am visiting many places. First
of all I am going to visit my grandparents’ place in Himachal Pradesh. I will
spend a week there. After that father is taking the family to Singapore. For
these reasons I am so excited!

Friend B : That’s great! You are going to have some great
fun! I am also going to visit my aunt in Gujarat. From there we are going to Mauritius
for a week. The best part is we will be going by ship. It is my first ever sea

Friend A : You are also going to have a great fun. Are you carrying
?books for study

Friend B : No not at all! Vacation is for refreshing; study I
.will continue after returning from Mauritius

Friend A : I will do
the same!